                                                                                                                  about <3

                                                         journal, blog, thoughts  
                                                         film / analogue archive, photography
                                                         conversations with / stories   

healing                          consultations
    earth´s apothecary  
    on herbs
    medicinal recipes
    nutrition, recipes            the taste of
    safe space, mental care 
    body care     

a collection of / recommendations of 
    places, spaces
    where to buy / taste your food produce / groceries
    create / make yourself ( remedies, body care, nutrition, recipes )
    body care
    beautiful words
    books, reads
                                                words (.)
                                                questions (?)

seasons                                                                   elements      
              summer                                                                        water
       spring        winter                                                               earth
              autumn                                                                         wind
       ( produce, herb, remedy of the week / month / season )               

                                                           touch   skin
                                                           smell    scent
                                                           taste     lips
                                                           sight     eyes
                                                           sound   tone 

                                                                              trees, leaves
                                                                              shadows, light
                                                                              textures, materials
                     women´s cycle
                     moon, lunar

                                                       nature´s colour palette:




on herbs

I believe that nature offers us so much to heal. nourishment in so many ways. if we just bring our wooden plaited basket on a walk through our garden, forest, or meadow, and we open our eyes a little, we are often surprised at how many beneficial beautiful plants and herbs grow around us. the offerings vary throughout the year - the beauty of seasonal change. it is about valuing and knowing what each season has to offer and how we can use it. 

For me the most beautiful ritual is when spending time at our summer house in Croatia. there I am able to walk outside of my door into a garden full of mediterranean herbs. inhaling their scents, carefully picking what I will then put straight onto every dish. whether it is thyme on freshly baked sourdough bread, or grilling fish with aromatic herbs all over it. nothing more, nothing less. 

but it is a blessing to not only be able to use herbs for their flavour aroma but to learn about their endless healing potential on our body. discovering the secrets hiding in the plants. 

I believe that nature offers us so much to heal. nourishment in so many ways. if we just bring our wooden plaited basket on a walk through our garden, forest, or meadow, and we open our eyes a little, we are often surprised at how many beneficial beautiful plants and herbs grow around us. the offerings vary throughout the year - the beauty of seasonal change. it is about valuing and knowing what each season has to offer and how we can use it. 

For me the most beautiful ritual is when spending time at our summer house in Croatia. there I am able to walk outside of my door into a garden full of mediterranean herbs. inhaling their scents, carefully picking what I will then put straight onto every dish. whether it is thyme on freshly baked sourdough bread, or grilling fish with aromatic herbs all over it. nothing more, nothing less. 

but it is a blessing to not only be able to use herbs for their flavour aroma but to learn about their endless healing potential on our body. discovering the secrets hiding in the plants. 

holism vs reductionism,
herbs vs drugs:

I want to talk about the difference between traditional natural herbs and modern pharmacological allopathic drugs. 

herbal medicine uses whole plant extracts. the constituents (primary/active and secondary) of a plant are left together in peace and are thus free to work synergistically with each other. this is what prevents side effects and determines safety (ofc as with everything safety depens on dosis, type,... of herb). if there are adverse effects, they are usually a lot milder. they support each other - secondary constituents support the primary/active constituents to be able to unfold their efficacy. 
we may need to be more patient with them, as it takes longer until healing commences and until they unfold their effect. you might think they won´t help you, that they won´t be enough when you start to try more alternative options. they just take more time and patience. but true healing always takes time. symptoms are signs your body needs rest and be taken care of. their healing potentials last longer. they make us feel healthier even after stopping to take them. they increase our resistance to disease and prevent it. 
they act more gently on our bodies as they modulate rather than suppress or stimulate. they act more gradually, instead of creating harsh spikes and drops.
rather than acting on one specific tissue or system, herbs promote the repair and growth of all tissues. their actions benefit several body systems and tissues.   

pharmacological drugs or medications contain one constituent only. for example aspirin extracted from meadowsweet. drugs are standardized extracts, which means primary/active constituents are being isolated, separated from each other. 
drugs target one particular tissue or body system. 
they are very effective and offer a quick fix. they might take our symptoms and make problems go away. but they cause another instead, delay or cover / mask symptoms. of course, there is the argument that it is worth it if the benefit outweighs the downsides. but it comes with a price. you may not realize it right away, but it will harm your bodys balance long-term and may bring the risk of recurring and chronic problems. 
our bodies crave balance. strong medications are often a shock to our bodies. 
they come with adverse effects that will trigger further imbalances.