                                                                                                                  about <3

                                                         journal, blog, thoughts  
                                                         film / analogue archive, photography
                                                         conversations with / stories   

healing                          consultations
    earth´s apothecary  
    on herbs
    medicinal recipes
    nutrition, recipes            the taste of
    safe space, mental care 
    body care     

a collection of / recommendations of 
    places, spaces
    where to buy / taste your food produce / groceries
    create / make yourself ( remedies, body care, nutrition, recipes )
    body care
    beautiful words
    books, reads
                                                words (.)
                                                questions (?)

seasons                                                                   elements      
              summer                                                                        water
       spring        winter                                                               earth
              autumn                                                                         wind
       ( produce, herb, remedy of the week / month / season )               

                                                           touch   skin
                                                           smell    scent
                                                           taste     lips
                                                           sight     eyes
                                                           sound   tone 

                                                                              trees, leaves
                                                                              shadows, light
                                                                              textures, materials
                     women´s cycle
                     moon, lunar

                                                       nature´s colour palette:



A personal journey of finding beauty, health, growth and meaning. capturing and sharing them.
I hope reading and taking in the visuals will help you find / remind you to cherish these moments / inspire you to develop new ones and find beauty and comfort in nature. by being aware of, by training your perception. seeing beauty through someone else´s eyes now and then may inspire you to find beauty for yourself. 

identifying what makes me feel lucky, brings me joy, brings tears to my eyes, makes me laugh, my heart beat, my blood flow, my pulse increase, hold my breath, my eyes shine, my cheeks flush, my skin texture change to goose bumps, what makes me feel attraction and energies, gets me excited, makes me experience emotions and feel, brings me comfort, peace, calmness, nourishment, health, balance, faith, stability. these things fill us with appreciation, inspiration, value, passion. they nurture our soul, give us purpose, make us grow and help us understand and express ourselves. 

someone very special once told me “there is something special about you”...<3 because we all have it. we just need to see it ourselves and find out what it is, embrace it. find our special something about and within ourselves. find out how we can contribute to this beautiful world with it. and find the special in what is around us. in each other. in nature. in moments. in experiences. in sensations. 

its a thymeless journey. (also thyme is my favourite herb) 

after a lot (!) of 

    connecting different thoughts and areas,
    exploring my mind,
    listening to stories,
    hurting and healing,
    reading, learning, studying, educating myself 

    I wanted to create this space.

if you ask yourself what this website is about, the answer is not so simple. perhaps it doesn´t need an explanation or answer. you can call it *website/blog/journal/archive/album/sketchbook/collection of thoughts, words, stories, recommendations, ideas, references, topics on health, medicine and nutrition...*

it is a space for ..

drawing connections,
recognizing patterns, 
realizing how everything in nature and within ourselves is interconnected, intertwined and moves in circles.

find words and visuals on *elements, objects, textures, patterns, seasons, tastes, senses, places, moments, feelings, routines, impressions, thoughts, words,...*

 my intention is to combine my passions and bring together  

medicine, our body, mental and physical health, well-being, herbs, nutrition
<3 AND
nature, aesthetics, design, photography, architecture, items, places, senses, travelling 


we can draw energy from these different areas of our lives. they can help us heal. 
everything we make a part of our life / we make space for. we create our own space for healing, energy and creativity. 

I was never good putting/chopping off my passions into different categories. I always had the urge to look for connections/relationships/correlations, commonalities, patterns. looking for a way to combine what gives me happiness, purpose, health. 
everybody likes to connect something. I like to collect thoughts and words. what about you?

warning number one: 

it is a process, not a finished project. constant editing, adding, adjusting. want to keep it an open book, able to read along instead of getting finished work out there. 
adding photos, experiences, design. always have been curious about an artist´s drafts, an architect´s sketches, a clothing designer´s samples, maybe a playlist that was playing in the background on repeat, a creative´s mood board, the conversations and travels that shaped and inspired, the ups and downs, a chefs culinary experiments, a farm growing new seeds, the failure and success, new friendships, choices of textures and shades, sensual impressions, drafts, a person´s intention and story. how different sources of inspiration, time and hard work shaped the outcome. I believe these are the things that make out the soul and personality of a finished product or project. 

I want to keep this raw, natural and messy. a sketchbook. you will come across mistakes, sometimes a lack of structure order and sense, unfinished sentences, maybe even different languages. you will find random words, thoughts, sentences. some things may not make sense. want this to be a space for rawness, for being natural. 

letting my past, current and future experiences, passions, encounters, interests in topics join. 

within a world of artificial perfectionim (also tbh me being a perfectionist on top of that), I decided to just let go this time, allowing myself to leave things raw and unfinished. 
just because thoughts are never perfect or complete nor have to make sense. they are ever-evolving/changing. 
importance of seeing the story / process of something. whether it is this website, or how bread is made from grain to loaf, how a plant starts as a seed and grows into valuable medicine.

writing has always had a special place in my heart. I love writing. especially the flowy, brainstorming, getting your thoughts on paper, drafting, conceptualizing part. not so much the finishing, re-editing, overthinking, perfectionalizing part. I find that the first version of how you get something on paper is the purest, most intentional, most “you” one. 

when writing I sometimes find myself wanting to use several different words instead of one. always had something for synonyms. different ways of expressing what I want to say. several words resonating with a thought. every time I had to write essays, I had to cross out or pick one of the words and cross the other one out. our mind doesn´t have a word count limit. there shouldn´t be any rules for us when it comes to creativity and expressing ourselves. 

so, sorry for the many “/”´s, “( )”´´s and “,”´s / slashes, brackets and commas. sorry for sentences that appear too short or too long.

realizing my own patterns, how my mind works, what I am good at. 
thinking, observing, listening, writing > talking

writing on several things instead of starting something and having to finish before starting the next. leaves space for spontaneous inspirations. the thought you have in the middle of the night. that dream you had. 

warning number two: 

our passions and thoughts are very personal. plus I am quite sensible. so it may get vulnerable and emotional. 

“never only, also about...”

during all these years of studying medicine and health, it was never only about the anatomy, physiology, pathology, science, systems of our bodies, was about understanding the body in deeper ways.

nutrition, was never only about the dish, but about every single ingredient, process, flavours, background, farmers, quality, seasonality, locality, following up back to its source, the people preparing the dish, the atmosphere, the company, the record playing in the background, the company, the soul of the entire space.

for me, it was never “only grocery shopping”. it was always a treasure hunt for the most precious produce I could find around me. 

never only about the state of psychology mental health but also about understanding what causes these feelings, personality traits, behavioural patterns, influence and impact of relationships growing up, what triggers/evokes emotions, reactions, what forms our neural pathways, gut feelings, intuition.

it is never only about the photo. it´s about the moment, the sensations, the pair of eyes looking through the lens. 

it was never only about the product in my hands. it was about acknowledging the materials, textures, treatment, details, packaging, colours, smell, the person creating it. 

my state of health was never just about my body but also always about the strong influence of my mind and emotional health. 

it was never only about the symptoms and therapy but about understanding the root cause. 

it was never learning something by hard but understanding. 

healing is never only about taking medication, it is about you taking care of yourself. listening and understanding your body. your body and you are in this together. 

nature = body

when we look closely everything is connected. whether we look for it within our bodies or nature. while studying medicine, certain structures and processes in our bodies reminded me of a familiar pattern in nature:

nature: roots, branches    body: lung branches, veins 

nature: walnuts                  
body: brain

( coming from the old beautiful belief specific plants are good and have an affinity for a specific organ/tissue ) 

nature: cycles                    body: hormonal/endocrine system, menstrual cycle, pituitary gland/circadian rhythm    
  ( moon, seasons, weather, months, sunrise, sunset )       

nature   body

air        breath
water   body fluids
fire       heat, energy
earth    tissues

 a tree reaching with its roots deeper than the surface. a reminder that it takes a deeper look and understanding.

in a world full of disconnection, fast pace, screens, overstimulation, artifical production, anxiety, mass production, pressure, marketing, consumerism, the pressure of having to perform consistently all the time, choosing homogeneity and standardization we risk losing identity, uniqueness and imperfection of our bodies and personalities. 
let´s try to get back into touch, dialogue and interaction with nature, our minds and each other. 

let´s support and value what nature has to offer: building blocks, materials, ingredients. let´s take care of them, use them more mindfully, locally and directly. the wool from sheep (instead of synthetic fabric), wood for a chair (instead of plastic), the wild berries and mushrooms growing in the forest (instead of getting them from the supermarket), the medicine within the sage growing in our garden (instead of the cough spray from the pharmacy), the thyme thriving in your garden (instead of a packaged tea bag). I promise what these small blessings from nature give is worth it.